Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Tyra Toilet Tips

I hope that everyone had a good holiday. I haven't been updating lately because I flew back to Florida on December 7 and had a friend over like a week later, so I was off of the Internet a lot. We went to a lot of places, like Miami's South Beach, Score (a gay club, even though none of us is gay), and Lake Placid, FL, the mural capital of the world. I'm going to blog about them once I find my USB port which I might end up having my dad mail.

Anyhow, until then, here's an instructional clip from Tyra Banks (who, in Oprah fashion, is canceling her show too - I wish Dr. Phil would cancel his) teaching women how to go to the bathroom.

It makes sense since most of the places I've been to look like this.